Blog Author
Jack Harris
  • June 02, 2022
  • 15 min to read

If you're reading this post, you're likely looking for a web designer in the Gloucester, Gloucestershire area. I'm guessing you may have spent some time browsing the web and getting information on what it takes to get your business online. It can be a bit overwhelming at first but don't worry, I'm here to help! My name is Jack, and I am a local web designer in Gloucester. My goal is to help small businesses like yours grow and succeed on the internet. Take some time to look around my website and learn more about me and my process of helping clients develop beautiful websites that they can share with the world!

Gloucester Web Design

What is Gloucester Web Design?

If you're not familiar with web design, this section should give you a basic idea of what it's about. If you already know what it is, skip ahead to the next section!

Web design is the process of creating sites using HTML or CSS files. The benefit of hiring an experienced professional for this task is that they have access to numerous tools and resources to make your site look polished and professional. It may seem like a simple thing, but designing a website that looks good will cost less than hiring someone who doesn't know how to do it right. As well as looking good, there are many other advantages such as increased visibility on search engines (SEO).

Your vision brought to life

Your website is your business’s digital shop front. It is the first impression a client will have of you, so it needs to be designed with your needs as well as your vision in mind.

I have been working with small businesses across Gloucestershire and understand how important it is to get things right! That’s why when I design websites for my clients, I always make sure they are:

  • Responsive – Your website should be able to adapt to different screen sizes (mobile phones, tablets etc.) without losing any of its functionality or aesthetic appeal. This means that people visiting from their mobile device can still access all the same content and features as someone using a desktop/laptop computer.
  • SEO Friendly – Search engines look at page titles, descriptions and meta descriptions when deciding what web pages show up in search results. If these aren’t optimised then they could be missing out on potential customers who are searching online but aren't finding them because their pages aren't showing up!

What do we do?

What I do

I am a local web designer who works out of Gloucester, UK. I design, develop and manage websites.

What I am good at

It's important to know that when it comes to web design, there is no “best” or “right way”. Every business has different needs and goals and so the best way of achieving those ends will be unique as well. My job is to find out what your goals are and tailor my process around that so that we can work together efficiently and effectively toward those ends. Your site won't look like anyone else's because no two businesses are alike!

What is my process? The first thing we will do together is schedule a meeting so that we can discuss what kind of website would be best for your business (or personal project). You will tell me about yourself, your business or organisation, where you want the website to go, etc... Next, we'll determine which platform(s) would work best for you based on what I've learned about your company during our conversation in addition with other factors such as cost/benefit analysis for each option available (WordPress vs Shopify etc.) Finally, once we've chosen which platform fits best with our needs, development time comes!

Web Design

Web design is the process of designing websites. Web design can be for a small business or an individual.

Web design services include:

  • Wireframing - The art of creating a visual layout and structure of your website before you begin developing it. This allows you to make sure that the content you want to display on the site flows smoothly, leading users through all relevant information and functionality in a way that doesn't confuse them or make them feel overwhelmed by too much information at once.
  • Prototyping - The stage where developers use mockups to create the actual code for each page within the site. This step ensures that no matter how good your wireframes or prototypes look, they don't actually work as intended until they're coded into actual web pages in HTML/CSS/JS (or whatever language).
  • User Experience Design - A more holistic approach which takes into account every aspect of how people interact with websites including: ease-of-use; navigation; accessibility; usability; accessibility; legibility etc...


The first impression is critical. It's the promise of who you are and what you can do for your customers, and it's the one thing that will keep people coming back when they need services again. Your company needs a strong brand identity to make sure that promise is delivered on every time—and that's why local web designers in Gloucester are so important!

Our local web designers have years of experience creating branding packages that get results. In addition to designing a logo, we'll also create print materials like brochures and business cards as well as websites so your brand is everywhere it needs to be.


The term “user interface” (UI) refers to the visible features of a website or application, such as buttons and menus. The user experience (UX) refers to how people interact with these features, as well as with the overall design of your site.

Both UI and UX are equally important in web design—and both can be learned by individuals who aren't trained designers. After all, you can improve your own website's UI/UX just by looking at other sites and thinking critically about what works best for you.

Here's an example: For many years I had been using a blogging platform called Blogger because it was free and easy to use. But one day I decided to pay £10 per month for WordPress hosting so that I could customise my blog's appearance more easily—and immediately found myself spending hours changing colours, fonts, images etc, tweaking things here and there until everything seemed perfect! In this case, it would have been much easier if someone had just done all those changes for me from scratch before launching my site...but then again maybe not; after all, we wouldn't want them messing up our carefully curated content by making bad layout decisions—so getting expert help actually makes sense too :)

Small Businesses

A small business’ website is a great way to market your product or service. It can also help you build credibility and trust with potential new customers.

Here are some of the benefits:

  • A small-business website will help you stand out from competitors. With so many businesses online, it can be hard for yours to get noticed in search results unless you have an online presence that stands out from the crowd. A professional-looking site will give your visitors confidence in your business and make them more likely to do business with you rather than someone else because they know they're dealing with a legitimate company when they come across one of your pages.
  • Having a website means that people who visit often won't have to go elsewhere (like Facebook or Twitter) for updates about what's going on at their favourite local businesses—they can just go straight there instead! This makes it easier for everyone involved because no one has to remember where everything happens anymore--it's all right there on one platform instead!

Who Am I?

I'm a web designer and developer based in Gloucester, UK. I've been designing websites for 10 years since I got my Level 3 qualification. I have worked with mainly small businesses to create beautiful and effective sites that get results that reflect what they are all about.

I'm currently a student at the University of Gloucestershire studying Computing Technologies, which means I have access to the latest industry tools and software, including Adobe Creative Cloud. This allows me to deliver high-quality work while remaining on budget.

Need a website but getting overwhelmed by information on the web? I can help you get started and get online with a beautiful and bespoke website designed just for you.

No matter what type of business you have, you need a website. But if it's been a while since you've had a website, or if this is your first time getting online, there are so many things to consider.

No worries though - I can help!

I will help you find the right domain name and hosting package for your needs (which may differ from those of other people in Gloucester). Then I'll get everything up and running for you so that when visitors land on your site they won't run into any technical issues. And finally, I'll make sure that it looks beautiful too!


Thank you for taking the time to read my page! If you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you!

Blog Author
Jack Harris

Director and founder of Jacks Office LTD. Building websites since 2013. Current Uniersity of Gloucestershire student studying Computing Technologies.
Known Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, MySQL, Kotlin, Java, Python and C#.


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